Just approve it already! Bureaucratic processes holding organisations back

Have you ever had that feeling of frustration where something that shouldn’t really be a hard task, takes twice as long due to outdated procedures and protocol?

There is certainly a place for procedures in organisations but sometimes the rules need to be able to bend a little in order to cut time when necessary and jump on opportunities when they come about.

This is particularly important for any online activity for a business. In the digital space everything is instantaneous and automated. Slow responses can be a business killer. We suggest implementing a flexible online strategy that allows for instantaneous communications. This can be done by empowering employees who manage these communications to make quick decisions without having to run it up the ladder.

For internal processes, creating a little flexibility gives employees the ability to jump on time-limited opportunities that come up. This can bring high rewards to a business that can snowball to large scale success. Actioned opportunities breed further opportunities.

The downside of rigid practises is that usually motivated and action-taking staff can be put off by the tiresome processes and endless hoops to jump through. As a result they stick to current methods and practises instead of striving for opportunities and growth.

Of course the most frustrating element of bureaucratic processes is failing to make deadlines due to the sheer amount of time these processes take.

This is particularly important in DM as there can sometimes be a number of touch points that are influenced if there is a delay at one point of the chain. A delay in waiting on approval for one step can hold up: data delivery, creative sign-off, printing, processing, mail lodgement, and as a result the message reaches the audience at the wrong time.

The Duck’s advice – Just approve it already! Empower employees, encourage change and growth, and sit back and watch how much easier your next campaign is executed.

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